星期二, 四月 08, 2008

悄逝的记忆 II Diminshing Memories 2

Diminishing Memories II is making its World Premiere tonight (8th April, Tue 9:15pm) at the Sinema (http://sinema.sg/oldschool/) under the 21st Singapore International Film Festival's Singapore Panorama section.

One-line synopsis:
A director’s paean to a short-lived but blissful childhood, and a powerful reminder of the ravages of development on rural land and its occupants.

Direct link to sales of tickets at http://www.filmfest.org.sg/singapore-panaroma.php

A trailer of the film on YouTube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zckiO0BJt6Y

Film Blog: http://diminishingmemories.spaces.live.com/

Thank you for your attention and support! ;)

Director, Yee Peng